Saturday, August 09, 2014

These past few days, I've experienced challenges that truly affect my entire life. All throughout my problems, I encountered different people and made friends with them. They taught me that life is never about being weak in times of hardships; instead, they taught me to be strong each time a storm passes by. I've learned from all their advises and realized that the world will always rotate and everything will eventually turn out to be all right - all I have to do is be strong and not let the wind blow me away. So, I've come out to be an entirely different person from all of this. I learned to let go of what is not meant for me and to start over. I learned that I have to forgive and forget, let go of those people who bring negativity in my life, and make space for those who are willing to stay. It wouldn't have been possible without God's help and guidance. 

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