Thursday, August 06, 2015


A poem for mommy during her special day 
14th of December, 2014

As you see the sight right through your eyes,
Keep in mind my birthday surprise,
But nothing will ever be as beautiful as you
Watch the beauty of the skies that are blue

The peaceful waters? You're as solemn inside,
And so as yourself and your love that you can never divide,
Not only does this place remind me of the great things that God can do,
But it also secured my thought that He matched me with you

I brought you here so that you would have something to realize,
And it's the fact that I will always be by your side,
And to face this world, we'll together be brave.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever, I will always stay,

Together, we've been through so much challenges and hardships,
But just like the hills that stick by each other, we will hold on to our grips,
We will go through each of them hand in hand,
Together, in the end, both of us will stand.

You are my mother, and I am your daughter,
We'll defend each other because we will never have another,
No matter the challenges, no matter the problems we've gone through,
Whatever happens, I will always love you

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