Depression, in psychology, a mood or emotional state that is marked by feelings of low self-worth or guilt and a reduced ability to enjoy life. A person who is depressed usually experiences several of the following symptoms: feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or pessimism; lowered self-esteem and heightened self-depreciation; a decrease or loss of ability to take pleasure in ordinary activities; reduced energy and vitality; slowness of thought or action; loss of appetite; and disturbed sleep or insomnia (
Depression is a state I've been in considering my problems and challenges. It has been a rough time for me and I think it's one of the worst mental state anyone could be in. Below are the experiences I want to unlock to the others in order for them to be informed on how to conquer depression.
1. HOW YOU FEEL: You feel that no one understands you. You want to be miserable either because you want attention or you actually like the feeling of being alone. Trust me, I know. It's as if the whole world is against you and sometimes you just want to be alone and cry for hours.
WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: "No one else can help you except yourself." This is true. How will you expect others to understand you when you can't even understand yourself? Find out what the real problem is and ask yourself, "Is this really a problem or am I just making it one?" Do me a favor and understand yourself. Comfort yourself. No one else will be entirely there for you except yourself.
2. HOW YOU FEEL: You feel that you need to express yourself through hurting yourself. You want to feel another kind pain besides the pain you're currently experiencing. You want others to notice how unhappy you are and how you want to be helped. You're asking for help but you don't know how to approach others. You feel that you need to do something, anything.
WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Express yourself and no, not through hurting yourself in any way. That will just make you more depressed. Do something good. Donate to charity, give to the less fortunate. Nothing else will make you happier. Another action you could do would be to write. Express yourself and how you feel in ANY GOOD WAY possible. Reflect on yourself. Write a song, make a poem, dance, paint something, do something that will make you feel better. In my situation, I wrote two songs, written several poems, and I did one of the craziest things I've ever done in my life - I wrote quotes and songs all over the walls of my room. It may sound crazy but it helped.
3. HOW YOU FEEL: You feel the need to be alone. You want to be alone. You don't want others to be with you. You feel the need to sit at the corner of your room and just cry, and cry, and cry. You're gonna hug yourself and say stuff that aren't really supposed to be said. You feel lonely.
WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Go out. Meet new people. Have new friends. Have fun and be carefree. Forget your problems through doing activities that will make you happy. Open up to new people and open the doors of your mind, heart and soul. Learn how to laugh with others and don't drown on your melancholy.
4. HOW YOU FEEL: You feel that no one is there for you. You feel like no one is willing to listen and to hug you. You feel alone and abandoned and just by yourself.
WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: TELL SOMEONE. Share what is happening to your bestfriend. Don't keep the burden alone. Find someone whom you can cry with. Find someone you can trust and tell them how you feel - not just your mask but how you REALLY TRULY feel. It will make you feel a hundred times better. Tell your bestfriend or your partner or even your family. Don't go through this alone because no one deserves to go through something all alone.
You can do it. You will be happy and everything will be all right in the end. It may be rough right now but when you actually put an effort to make everything okay, you'll be okay. Find genuine happiness. It's not hard to get, it's just hard to see. Talk to someone. You can talk to me also. I've gone through it and I'm proud of myself for getting here. I want you to go through it too, and I believe you can.
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